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"I started IAR’s fellowship program wanting to become highly skilled in manual therapy. I'm very proud and grateful to say that I left with so much more than I could have asked for! The faculty team has established a program that exceeds all expectations! They have put me on the fast-track to becoming, not only an expert clinician, but a leader in our field. The program framework and pristine organization of such comprehensive sports and orthopedic information, combined with the faculty's incredibly fun style of teaching through in depth discussions, quality lab experiences, and passionate mentoring allowed me to learn at a level of critical application beyond any other type of post-professional training. Through this program, I have had the opportunity to create meaningful connections with other professionals in the sports and orthopedic arena, gain valuable understanding of advanced movement assessment in all populations, and opportunities to speak on both a local and state level. What other program could have taken me inside the locker room of a NBA team, exposed me to real life elite athletes in every class, learn both advanced manual and exercise interventions, and become board-certified in both orthopedic and sports physical therapy? I cannot thank the faculty of IAR enough for guiding me to become a clinician that I previously thought was out of reach. They truly pour their heart and souls in to each student they encounter. This was absolutely the most meaningful experience of my professional life and I'm proud to be a product of IAR!!


Christina Gomez


Sports & Orthopedic Residency Coordinator

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The Institute for Athlete Regeneration Education Systems, LLC  (IAR) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, military status, sexual orientation, or age. IAR is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in all aspects of its continuing education activities. Participants who have special needs are encouraged to contact program organizers so that all reasonable efforts to accomodate these needs are made. 

© 2019 Institute for Athlete Regeneration Education Systems, LLC. All rights reserved. 

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